The de-soldering braid used in the image is MG Chemicals Fine Braid Super Wick 0.05" (Yellow). If you'd like to be thorough, you can use a multimeter in continuity mode, probing each pin and their corresponding pad If you hear a "beep" you've still got a short. If the piece of paper moves freely until it hits the plastic casing of the FFC connector, you're set for the next step. To verify, slide a piece of paper in-between the pins and their pads. The pins will have a minuscule spring to them when the solder joint is no longer. If need be, use a hobby or utility knife to provide a minimal amount of leverage under a stubborn pin to lift it from the pad and continue with the braid to remove any excess solder. Repeat the application of the heated iron tip to the de-soldering braid until all the solder forming the joint between the pin and the pad has been removed as it may take a few attempts. Don't apply too much heat at any given time, as to avoid damaging the underlying pad. Let the de-soldering braid soak up the solder as you apply the heated iron tip.

As an intermediate I'd recommend a Yihua 936 which is a sub $20 Hakko 936 look-a-like if you don't want to jump into a Hakko FX-888D.
It may be on the high end for a once in awhile mod but I'd recommend to keep an eye out for an equally mid to high end station from your local and online surplus or government auctions such as: and (US/Canada), (My local place), etc. The solder station used is a Hakko FM-202 with a FM-2021 iron and T7-D12/D16 tip. For those products I can't source locally I use online distributors - for electrical components they're DigiKey or Mouser and for supplies they're Amazon, eBay, and AliExpress to name a few. My favourites are: A-1 Electronic Parts, Component Electronics, Sayal Electronics, and AA Electronics.
There is little information on the internet regarding the bugs in various GBC revisions but there is clearly a reason Nintendo/Sharp spent big re-designing the GBC CPU, 5 times throughout the consoles lifespan. It is important to support your local businesses and I strive to support my local hobby, electronic, and surplus suppliers. This doesnt happen on any other console, DMG, Pocket, GBA, SP, SGB, GBC versions 4/5/6. I predominately use MG Chemicals products as their manufacturing and packaging facility is local. The materials used in this instructable are relatively available online and easily substituted. It's also advised to do this outside of the DMG shell to avoid any accidental slip and melts. Pins 15 and 16 on the FFC connector are the data lines from the CPU to the LCD, which we're going to proxy through the bi-vert chip.īe warned: Please remove all batteries before continuing. However, it is important to note that this mod is NOT compatible with actual Game Boy Advance cables (unless you modify them).No cut traces! I will guide you through the steps required in cleanly de-soldering the FFC connector pins leaving the DMG unscathed. The GBA connector is fully backwards-compatible with the smaller-style port used in the Game Boy Color and Game Boy Pocket, as well as the official Super Game Boy 2. This mod board uses a GBA-style port because it is still possible to purchase them new without cannibalizing a Game Boy console just for this one connector. įirst of all, you can purchase this mod board on my Tindie store: The mod board comes with all of the necessary components pre-installed, as well as a pair of nylon standoffs to help securely mount the board in the cart shell.
They both connect to a developer workstation such as an IBM-PC via the SCSI port and offer a few software tools for.
Note that in order for this mod to work properly, you will also need to install the Super Game Boy Clock Mod. The Official programming development kit for the Gameboy consisted of the Debugger that cost 4,000 USD and the Emulator (ICE) which cost 3,000 USD and were both developed by the Nintendo owned company called Intelligent Systems 1.
If you have a steady hand and good equipment, here's how to go about doing it.

It is possible to install one, but it requires fine-pitch soldering directly to several pins on the DMG CPU. In addition to the clock speed issue, the Super Game Boy did not include a link port for multiplayer connectivity. /rebates/&252fgameboy-dmg-cpu-internals.