20 - 30 seconds after reading the poem, Rigmor should knock at the door. Being in the room, youre right, does nothing. I think the quest is not fulfilled until after you open the door.

Bruma county held out, and finally a settlement was made where Bruma remained a Free City as long as the county officially recognized Sethius as the rightful. Open the door, Rigmor is there, and mod proceeds. Modding Guide - New AnimationsFallout New California Enclave Playthrough - Part 15 - Final ShowdownFallout New California Enclave Playthrough - Part 14Fallout New California Enclave Playthrough - Part 13New Vegas Mods: The North Road Remastered - Part 4New Vegas Mods: The North Road Remastered - Part 3New Vegas Mods: The North Road Remastered - Part 2New Vegas Mods: The North Road Remastered - Part 1Going Back To FALLOUT NEW VEGAS After Playing Fallout 76!Morrowind Mod Reviews. Rigmor Of Cyrodiil Review Free City As One by one, Sethius bandit army subjugated the counties and the nobility were forced to swear allegiance to their new liege, or face exile, or death.